High School
January 31: Deadline for the reservation form along with fee.
February: Registration material is sent to (SPONSORED) high schools. This mailing includes everything the school needs to register their Delegates & Alternates. Schools are not sent registration material until Department receives reservation form and fee.
2025 Session Information for Delegates: Accessible (after February) - this online material provides complete session details and all required forms.
Delegates WILL NOT get packets mailed to their homes – if they don’t have internet access at home, they should ask their counselors to print the information for them. If they have questions or problems, they should contact headquarters for assistance.
TBD: It is highly recommended for Delegate(s)/Alternate(s) to view either the pre-recorded Orientation presentation or participate in a live (zoom) Orientation (dates, times will be made available after February 2025).
Parents, school personnel as well as sponsors are encouraged to view the orientation video.
April 1: Delegates and Alternates must complete online registration.
May/June: Follow up with your Delegate – remind her of the session dates, verify she’s still planning to attend and ask her if she has any questions regarding the program.
Frequently Asked Questions
How much walking will I do at ALABGS?
Delegates will walk approximately 6 miles a day (comfortable shoes are a must) with minimal time in between sessions to get where you need to go!
I registered, how do I find out what interest group I am in?
You will be contacted approximately the first week of June to confirm which interest group you are placed in.
Can I order food to be delivered at night?
You are provided three all-you-care-to-eat meals a day. Due to this and the tight schedule, we do not allow food deliveries during the week.
I'm training for a marathon/cross country/other athletic event, am I able to run at some time every day?
Unfortunately, due to our schedule and staff resources, we will not be able to accommodate this request.